Friday, 12 October 2012

Slowing Down

This popped up on my FB timeline. Am assuming if it's posted there, I can share it here...
Just felt it to be so appropriate for so many of us busy, rushing-everywhere people today. 

Make a Mistake - Discover New Opportunities

My walking commitment has been a bit wobbly for most of this week. I managed an impromptu stroll around a small park in Munich yesterday. And even managed a mad dash to the train station in the evening (apparently this forced sprint was good for me!!)

Apart from that, I have to admit to having failed miserably on Tuesday and Wednesday. No walking at all. Then today, I made the unforgivable mistake of mixing up the times of my lesson. Instead of 1pm, I should have been in the classroom at 8am...

What do I learn from this? Be more careful when adding appointments into my calender. But perhaps more importantly, don't overload the calender in the first place.

I had been worried that this week would be a struggle with back-to-back appointments, classes and meetings from Monday till Saturday. Now, however, I have some free time. A window of extra time to take stock and build up my energy for the last push of the week. I know how much better I'll feel for some fresh air because I got out for 40 mins on Monday. In contrast to the reluctant struggle up the hill on the last walk I did, Monday's walk was much more positive - maybe something to do with staying on the flat path - maybe due to the fact I just felt happier. Either way, it did me (as my mother would say) the world of good.

So, despite having missed a class by mistake I'm happy to be able to take advantage of some extra time and get myself out for a spot of fresh air and exercise. For me, an unexpected opportunity; for my students, an early start to the weekend.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

But I don't feel like it today...

I did get out for my walk today. After 2 days without sticking to my new routine, I really didn't feel like it today either. In the interest of psycho-scientific research, I made myself trudge up the hill and complete a short round. On a decidedly cold day, I was wrapped up in hat, scarf and no small amount of negativity.

I'd like to say that after 10 minutes I was glad to have made the effort and I was benefiting from the fresh air. Instead, I was thinking how little time it takes to undo a fragile, newly developing habit. I shall have to start again from today.

As I write this, I'm feeling the knock-on effects of having been at my pc most of the day. The daily walk really is a very important thing, for both body and mind. Tomorrow is another day; I'll aim to get that walk in and manage it with a lighter, more willing heart.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

A Public Holiday

October 3rd is a public holiday in Germany. In our house, a day off usually mean a chance to catch up on stuff that doesn't get done in the busy working week. And so the plan on Tuesday was to take the opportunity of a work-free day to do some - work!!!

Over breakfast, as is my wont, I settled down to soak up some more of my current book. So enthralling was the book, and so quiet was the house, I kept reading until 11am. The beak came when I was asked to drive my kids to and from places. In brief, I spent the public holiday completely NOT doing that which I'd intended to do. Apart from - and here I am pleased to share - my daily walk!!!

It was a glorious October day so using a slot between car journeys, I walked a different route from my usual. The sky was its best shinning sky blue, a few skimpy clouds majestically skimmed the horizon, a buzzard leisurely circled and glided above the treeline. Still feeling a bit under the weather from my cold, half an hour along the river was just right.

Today, however is a different story. The stuff I'd intended to do yesterday, now has to be squashed into 3 1/2 hours before I head off to teach. Getting the daily walk in will be a bit of challenge. Will report back tomorrow as to whether - or, better to say - how I manage it!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Daily Walk Commitment - Days 2 &3

Day 2
Despite feeling distinctly under the weather yesterday, I got myself up and away from my desk and went for my walk. Nothing of great interest to report. The only moment of note (for me, anyway) was when I reached the point of "left for the longer walk / right for the shorter walk". I kept going left and benefited from the longer route.

One of many woodpiles along the way
Day 3
Today, it was somewhat easier to get myself out. I made a conscious decision to put my walking shoes on before doing anything else. I know that when I get caught up with stuff, it's easier to put off the walk. While walking, I pondered on how perhaps I'm beginning to construct a new habit. Perhaps I'm laying down the route for a new neural pathway in the area of my brain where the habit of staying in and sitting at my desk has been embedded?

I was also thinking of Autumns past. This time last year, I was out and about in sandals and t-shirt still. It was that weekend of 30 degree temperatures. Lovely! I remembered walks pushing a baby buggy while waiting for my daughter to finish her swimming lesson. The luxury of a quiet stroll with nothing more to consider than getting back to pick up my little swimmer and go home for supper.

With my daily walking, I want to focus on today and the details I see around me in that moment now. To truly soak up that moment and feel gratitude for my amazing environment. Invariably, I end up listing a number of things that I  need to do as soon as I get home. Perhaps I need to add an additional goal to the daily walk - switch off and live in that moment.

Classic Autumn Colours

Autumnal Abundance