Sunday, 30 September 2012


I recently read in one of my coaching study books - can't remember which one, I'm reading quite a few simultaneously (I know, I know - let's just not go there right now, OK?) about commitment to goals. In order to stick to the decision to do something for ourselves - let's say "exercise" for arguments sake - we stand a better chance of staying on track if we buddy up with someone.

So. Here's the thing; being such a sedentary person (remember the multi-book reading habit), I'm beginning to suffer the effects - lower back pain, stiff & heavy legs, general poor cardiovascular fitness. Also, the general stress of DOING TOO MUCH (again another topic for another blog - and I'm sure I'm not alone when it comes to needing to look at that debate), causes an overload in my brain.

Solution? 20-30 minutes daily walk. A march up the hill at the back of our house and a steadily-paced walk over the fields. It really is a most delightful route. We live in an utterly breath-taking area - which conversely actually provides me the opportunity to take plenty of oxygen-rich breaths. I love it once I'm out and up the hill.

And the thinking I manage to do...Loads of thoughts. I love it! Today, the thoughts centered on coaching and mentoring for educators. But, how can I offer coaching and mentoring guidance if I can't follow my own advice?

Solution? Get a buddy or two to help me stick to my goal of taking a daily walk. In lieu of an actual walking buddy right now - hubby is out of action with torn ligaments - I thought of posting daily reports in FB. If I know people are aware of my commitment to action, I'm more likely to avoid loss-of-face by posting each day. Then I thought, that might get irritating for those with no interest in "walking with" me.

Solution? The blog post! Ideal - I'll post the link and anyone interested in checking up on my progress can pop by when then want. Brilliant, don't ya think?!

Now, I have an added incentive to maintain my daily walks. And while Autumn is spoiling me with such spectacular displays of colour, it's even more of a pleasure.

Stated Aim: to walk every day for 20-30 mins starting today.

Promise to self: will post a short insight into thoughts on walk and, most specifically, the fact that I did walk!

Time frame: 1 whole week (with the option to extend another week)

This is a personal experiment on how commited I am to my goal and how disciplined I can be in keeping to my promise.

Watch this space.....

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